happy sad

You're my next mistake.






難しいって、「いや効率化しろよ」って単純な話なんだろうけど、仕事内容が〜、量が〜とかじゃなくて、なんと言うか仕事へのモチベーションというか今コミットしたいかどうかと言うか。。。今の会社に入って1年半経って、大体の仕事の流れが分かってきている段階にある時ってまだまだ一人じゃできない事とか効率化するための動き方を考えるまでに至ってないわけ。「こんなことに時間かけなくてもよかった」ってやっぱり一通りの仕事を覚えて一人でやってみて初めて気づく所で、そのレベルに達するにはある程度、自分で考えて動いて結果出してみないと分からない。その「自分で考えて動く」って段階にはやっぱり時間がかかる=時間内では不可能(8時間)になっちゃう。それに、みんながいる9−17時って結構電話だったり、みんな仕事モードバリバリだったりして、ちょっとした雑談の中に聞きたいことを混ぜ込める雰囲気でもなかったりする。そう言う時に割と静かになった事務所でちょっとした雑談で気になることとかを上司に聞いてみたりしてヒントを獲れることがあったりする。(後移動時間の電車の中)だから、残業って結構必須項目なんだな。ただ早く帰る=罪 みたいな風潮もあって、みんなこれだけ忙しくしてんだからなんであいつは同じチームなのに早く帰ってんだ?!みたいな違和感は当然あって、そう言う軋轢はうちの会社は結構根強くて己のハートが強くない限り結構その辺のモチベーション維持は難しい気がする笑







It seems like there is no time to write this blog since I work almost all day, so I just decided not to force myself to blog every single day. This is something that I should just stop overworking for making my own time, but this is not that simple.


Why not? What comes to my mind is that this is not a simple matter to make this work environment better by improving efficiency. We can't compare how much nor what kind of work you still need to work on. Overworking is inevitable especially for employees who are still learning how to proceed with their work. I don't think you should despise your work until you understand it well enough to put it into your own mind. That means WE NEED TIME. 

Now my situation is exactly what it is. 

Only after you have experienced a whole series of jobs so that you will realize you didn't really need to spend that much time on them and can use them in the future.

Also During day time( 9-17 ), we got to take phone calls and take care of a lot of things in the office, so after a work shift, it is more comfortable to have a casual meeting with coworkers to get some quick advice or something. ( also on the train during travel time is the best timing to ask a quick question that I have been thinking about. ) 

But having a critical perspective and atmosphere to see the person who leaves the office on time even their other team members are still working happens a lot. Like "Hey, can you just try to find what you can help us?! lol " but we culturally don't say it loud. ( depends on their personality for sure though ) So if you wanna go home on time, you need a strong heart (?) not to care about any other opinion. lol


I'm sorry this is off-topic, but what I wanna say is "perseverance prevails" is kinda right. You can only find an efficient way to get things done better only after you try so hard for a couple of years. ( unless you are some genius person or something. ) 


Studying other languages is the same thing...I got to work on it to get a job in the biggest country in the world. lol 

